What is better? Roti/bread or Rice ?

 Should I eat roti or rice to lose weight and gain muscles?

If you are someone who hits the gym regularly and has a dream of having a dream body, then you must be perplexed between common questions that every gym goer asks himself/herself

Should I prefer Rice over Roti or Bread?

Is consuming roti/bread healthier than consuming rice?

Do I gain weight if I eat rice?

What is carb composition?

Should I go for brown rice instead of Roti?

There are so many other related questions that must have crossed your mind now and then. This simple complex has become so complex in recent times that everyone tries to be an expert on the subject. Your gym trainer must have told you that eat roti if you have to, eat brown rice if needed, avoid rice at night and so many other suggestions.
In this article, we will try to debunk all myths related to this ever going battle. so stick with the article.

Table comparing the nutritional value of rice and wheat

wheat ( 1 cup)rice(1 cup)
fat3 gm0.3 gm
Protein4 gm2.7 gm
fibers4 gm0.4 gm
Carbs20 gm28 gm
By observing the above table, you can see that wheat is a clear version here. One of the most important factors to be noticed is FIBERS. Dietary fibers are something that impacts the digestion time of your food. More fibers present in wheat shows that it takes wheat more time to be digested. It provides energy slowly. While on the other hand, rice provides our body energy quickly and burns out faster. That is why we feel empty sooner when we eat rice.
But there are other factors also such as SODIUM. Sodium indirectly affects the weight loss potential of our body. The source of sodium does not come only from salt but other foods also. Wheat has more sodium content than rice.
We will come up with a whole new article about sodium and its impact.

Interesting Information

These days around the world, many food combinations are being popularly called as superfoods. In the west, new trends emerge and every new trend comes up with its own type of food combination. Some prefer plant-based diets, some prefer animal-based and what not.
Though our ( Homo Sapiens) common biology is the same our genes adopted with different foods and environments differently in different parts of the world. Adaptation of our body varies according to the food available around us. People from tropical environments have different food habits than people from temperate countries for centuries. It makes a huge difference as often ignored. People from India use many spices in their foods and their bodies adapt spices with no difficulty.
Our body is evolved in such a way that it performs best in its natural setting and by consuming food that ancestors were consuming. Hence changing our food habits drastically from our ancestors is not a very noble suggestion. Though you may change your food, try to intact the authenticity of it in a way that your genetic biological senses adapt that food in a familiar way. Dr. Stephen Le (P.hd from California University) suggests that sticking to a diet of ancestors is very much beneficial. Completely changing foods and nutrition in our diet leads to more risks.

Thus, it is your choice whether you want to eat rice or wheat, but keep in mind that you need to devote some time to work out. It will not make much difference as long as you are taking care of your food and not putting junk food in your body.


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