What is circuit training and their benefits ?

Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. The time between exercises in circuit training is short often with rapid movement to the next exercise. This training programme was developed by R.E.Morgan and G.T.Anderson in 1953 at the University of Leeds in England.

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve strength, stamina and suppleness (SSS). The circuit training comprises of 6 to 10 strength exercises that are completed one exercise after another. Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or for a set time before moving on to the next exercise. Anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes is the ideal time for circuit training. (The shorter the circuit training workout, the harder you should be pushing). Since you're alternating which body part you're working during each move, there's no need to rest between exercises.

Circuit training can be used for upper body workout, lower body workout, core and trunks and total body workout. There is some example of an exercise which can be used to make a good circuit training workout. These are as follows:

Upper body workout:-                                                          Lower body workout:-

  • Push up and pull up                                                     Squat jumps
  • Bench dips.                                                                 Skaters hops
  • Medicine ball chest pass.                                            Step-ups 
  • Bench press.                                                                Dumbbell lunges
  • Back extension                                                            Bench squat
  • Inclined press up.                                                        Dumbbell calf raises
  • Bicep curls.                                                                 Squat to overhead press
  • Tricep extension and kickbacks.                                 Deadlift
  • Arnold press.                                                               Hamstring Roll                       
  • Military press.                                                             Burpees
  • Skull crusher.                                                              Mountain climbers
  • Superman's and Many more.                                      Wall sit 

Core and trunks workout
  • Deadbug
  • Sit ups
  • Plank
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Renegade row
  • Reverse crunches
  • Side plank
  • Scissor kick
  • Russian twists
  • Plank to knee tuck
  • Upward and downward dog
  • Single leg bridge or bridges
  • Bear crawl
These are some example of exercises which can be used to make a good circuit training workout. There are lots of exercise for circuit training. You can make your circuit training for total body workout like that:-

Circuit training Vs HIIT( High intense interval training )

HIIT,is a form of cardiovascular training that focuses on short duration of high intensity work followed by a longer period of low intensity work. Sprinting for 30 seconds followed by a 90 second jog or kettle bell swings( with an appropriate weight),30 seconds of work,45 seconds rest,would be examples of HIIT. This workout are much more cardio-based and typically don't features strength moves like circuit training.HIIT will cause your heart rate to go way up,following by a small recovery,in intervals.
Circuit training is a series of exercises performed back to back.  You can use circuit training for cardio and strength.It is not cardiovascular training but it has become a cardio like workout,it's a great time saver. This training burn fat because of the multiple muscle groups being targeted in one workout.
Both hiit and circuit training can maximise muscle burn and calorie burn. Both provide great way to get in a killer workout in a shorter window of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of circuit training :-

Circuitr training is the most time efficient way to enhance cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance. Studies at Baylor  University and The cooper institute show that circuit training helps women to achieve their goals and maintain them longer than other forms of exercise or diet. So, circuit training should be a part of routine workout which will help you to reduce weight,building strength and endurance.


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