10 best warm up exercise which you can do before workout.


                    Warm-up is very important before a workout. To stay safe and get the most out of your workout you must always include a pre-workout warm-up. If you are short on time, you may feel to skip a warmup and jump right into your workout. But doing so can increase your risk of injury, and put more strain on your muscles. When you are performing strength-training exercises, your muscles shorten and lengthen, and if they aren't warm, your muscles are more prone to tear and pull. Warming up reduces your risk of injury and improves your actual workout.

          The warming up is a preparation for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practising gently beforehandWarming up includes a range of cardiovascular exercises, stretching and drills Warm-up exercise and stretching is a key to minimize all kinds of sports injury. A warm-up generally consists of a gradual increase in intensity in physical activity(a pulse raiser), joint mobility exercise and stretching, followed by the activity. For example, before running or playing an intensive sport, players might slowly jog to warm their muscles and increase their heart rate. It is important that warm-ups be specific to the activity so that the muscles to be used are activated.

           The key components of a warm-up are"increasing the body's core temperature, mobility, muscle activation and technical build-up."By increasing the body temperature, you loosen the tissues around your joints, increasing their range of motion. Better flexibility does two things: allows your body to move better through the motions of your workout and helps to protect you from injury.

           "Incorporating mobility will help reduce the risk of injury and help the body utilize the correct muscles for certain movements and prepare them for power production. The technical build-up piece is to introduce the body to complex movement at a simple level first. For example, you can do the warm-up with some squats to prepare your body for squat jumps later in the actual workout.

Types of warm-ups:

There are two main types of warm-ups: general and specific. Each workout must begin with a general warm-up. The warm period will last 5-10 minutes; or as long as you are ready. Example of general warm-ups are walking, cycling, rowing,stairs etc. The specific warm-up will be used right before your working set for an exercise such as the squat.

10 best exercise for warm-up before workout:-

1.Jumping jacks:-

                                          Jumping jacks are an efficient total body workout that you can do almost anywhere. This type of exercise works your heart, lungs and muscles at the same time. Specifically, jumping jacks work on your glutes, hip flexors, quadriceps and also involve your abdominal and shoulder muscles.

To watch video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0LaB6E_XUg

How To Do Jumping Jacks:-

    1. Start standing up with your legs together, a slight bend in knees, and hands resting on thighs.
    2. Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulders.
    3. Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to your start.                      
2.High knees:- 

                        Perform high knees as a component of your warm-up or prolong the exercise and add them to your workout routine to really get your heart rate going. This exercise work on your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abs, glutes, back.

How to do high knees:-

  1. Start standing with feet hip-distance apart.
  2. Lift up right knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly so left knee is up before right foot lands. Continue pulling knees up quirky for as long as desired.                                                            


Light jogging is one of the simplest warm-up exercises that will raise heart rate as well as your body temperature faster. It is also one of the best outdoor exercises. Unlike other warm-up workouts, it doesn’t require any specific skill or a high level of fitness. Maintain a speed you are comfortable with for about 5 to 10 minutes. Also, you can do it indoors using a treadmill.

4. Skipping:-

                                    Another great warm-up exercise you can perform anywhere is rope jumping. It is also one of the best exercises that will burn more calories, develop speed and more. Unlike jogging, performing rope jumping requires some few skills. Experts recommend that you get a rope with the correct length. To know if you have the right rope, bisect it by placing it under your feet and check if the handles can reach your sternum. Also, when performing this exercise, it is important that you jump on your feet’s balls. Also, ensure that when jumping, your hands are slightly above your waistline and most importantly, try not to jump too high as doing this might make you lose the rhythm of the rope. Aim for approximately, 5. minutes.

5.Side reach:-

                    This exercise will target your lats(back), left and right obliques.

How to:
 Begin in a standing position, with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Lean your body to the right side, bending your right knee slightly. At the same time, stretch your left arm to the sky at a diagonal, in line with the rest of your body. Stretch your left leg long. Immediately repeat on the opposite side. Continue for 30 to 60 seconds.


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